Q: Can I just email Rory a question about my dog or cat?
A: Because she receives hundreds of emails each day regarding the rescue work she does, as well as consultation requests, it is impossible for Rory to personally respond to individual questions.
If you need help, please book a consultation for your dog or cat.
Q: Can I surrender my pet to Rory?
A: We know how hopeless certain situations might seem when it comes to a behaviour you just can’t quite seem to modify. Rory specializes in animal aggression, and will gladly work with you to determine what level of support you need. She does not offer alternatives for pets until after she has worked with the animal through a consultation.
Q: Does Rory run any sort of training boot camp for dogs?
A: She will be offering this starting in February 2016.
Q: Do you know of a rescue or shelter that can take my pet?
A: Because Rory is an animal behaviourist, she does not offer alternatives for pets until after she has worked with the animal through a consultation.
Q: Can I apprentice with Rory?
A: At the moment, she is not accepting any apprentices. But a great starting point would be to volunteer for the Rocky Mountain Animal Rescue!